
sk Default locale
sk Fallback locale


Defined 40

These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
cs seo 1 strana
cs seo 1 url.param.sort razeni
cs seo 1 url.param.searchText hledany-text
cs seo 1 url.param.otherAttribute jine
cs seo 1 url.param.teacherExperienceAttribute praxe
cs seo 1 url.param.preferredTimeAttribute preferovany-cas
cs seo 1 url.param.placeAttribute misto-doucovani
cs seo 1 url.param.level uroven
sk layout 1 search.title Hľadať
sk forms 1 subject.label Predmet
sk forms 1 subject.placeholder Vyber predmet
sk forms 1 city.label Mesto
sk forms 1 city.placeholder Vyber mesto
sk forms 1 Hľadať
sk layout 2 navbar.advert.list.offers Všetky ponuky
sk layout 1 navbar.advert.list.demands Dopyty
sk layout 1 navbar.advert.addOfferOrDemand Ponuka / Dopyt
sk layout 2 navbar.user.register Registrovať
sk layout 2 navbar.user.login Prihlásiť
sk layout 1 navbar.advert.add Pridať ponuku
sk layout 1 lander.allCities.title Všetky mestá
sk advert 97 advert.composed.title Doučovanie
sk global 1 Slovensko
sk global 1 Česko
sk layout 1 footer.bestSubjects.title Populárne predmety
sk layout 1 footer.allSubjects.title Všetky predmety
sk layout 1 footer.bestCities.title Najaktívnejšie mestá
sk layout 1 footer.allCities.title Všetky mestá
sk layout 1 footer.onlineTutoring.title Doučovanie cez internet
sk seo 5 url.param.placeAttribute miesto-doucovania
sk layout 1 footer.aboutTutorka.title O Tutorke
sk layout 1 staticPage.howToUse.title Ako to funguje
sk layout 1 Nápoveda
sk layout 1 staticPage.packages.title Balíčky
sk layout 1 staticPage.termsOfUse.title Obchodné podmienky
sk layout 1 staticPage.privacyPolicy.title Ochrana súkromia
sk layout 1 staticPage.aboutCookies.title O cookies
sk layout 1 Kontakt
sk layout 1 staticPage.becomeTeacher.title Staň sa lektorom
sk layout 1 footer.copyright <strong></strong> - Inzercia kvalitného doučovania

Fallback 0

These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.

No fallback translation messages were used.

Missing 0

These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.

There are no messages of this category.